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Wild Healing Manual Osteopathic Therapy

Our Specialties

Myofascial Release

What is Myofascial Release?

Let us understand the word "myofascial" first. The word 'my' means 'muscle'. The word 'fascia' means the 'band' or 'connective soft tissue' that supports your entire body. If you could see connective tissue beneath your skin you would observe that it is fibrous, densely woven, continuously connects and surrounds our internal organs, permeates the entire body from head to toe, and has characteristics that provide cushioning and support to our complete body.

Time, injury, wear and tear, poor posture, stress and other factors can cause this connective tissue to manifest tension, restrictions and imbalance within our bodies. Myofascial Release is a very effective hands-on technique that works to 'release' and rebalance our muscle and connective soft tissue system.

How is the fascia treated?

Your trained therapist will first observe your posture and discuss any pains or physical conditions that cause you discomfort or restrict movements. Skill and knowledge base allows your practitioner to feel, observe and sense where varied degrees of pressure, stretching, kneading and palpitation will help eliminate pain and restore range of motion. To use an analogy, imagine your fascia system is a damp linen sweater that is laid out for drying. You might 'stretch’ and reshape the sweater fabric to condition its shape and conformity to its proper appearance. In a like manner, your Myofascial Release specialist will use skilled 'stretch' and 'release' technique as well as other techniques to condition your myofascial system.

What conditions might warrant Myofascial Release Therapy?

General discomfort, chronic pain, sporting injuries, headache, back pain, whiplash injury, general injury, muscle spasms, restriction of motion, poor posture and specific ailments related to everyday living such as carpal tunnel and neurological dysfunction. Myofascial restrictions can be manipulated to restore range of motion and alleviate pain.

What is the process?

You and your therapist will discuss relevant information including any discomforts you have such as pain, injuries, disorders and similar matters. Problems are noted and treatment begins. The goal is to provide safe and effective treatment that encourages your body to restore, realign and balance your myofascial system.

Visit the Appointment page to book a treatment.

Myofascial Release

Stretch... Hold... Release... Restore range of motion